Thursday, December 8, 2011

"I've always tried to be aware of what I say in my films, because all of us who make motion pictures are teachers-teachers with very loud voices." -George Lucas

I know this isn't a quote from one of the books we have read in class but I thought it was an excellent quote which reminded me of the purpose behind greek mythology: to teach!

The stories and characters we read about in greek mythology represent ourselves. Whether the characters are mortal or immortal there is a truth or moral behind each story and there is always something to learn. But what we learn is not necessarily always what the author wanted us to learn. We are in charge of what we learn from a text, a book, a story, or life events. We control it just as much as the three Fates controlled each persons destiny and fate.

Its up to us to choose what we want to take away, what we want to learn. And then there is another aspect I cant help thinking of. There is always that one fact, that one little phrase that glues itself to our minds and I can honestly say each class I have each semester, there is always one little special fact I remember that I learned in class.

I remember last year one fact that a professor taught us briefly in class. It was about wants and needs and how to weigh it out in order to realize what category it belongs in. It was a short lecture but every person who was in that class, including myself, now weighs it in our minds.

I firmly believe as a future teacher, that if you can reach even one student in your class then you have succeeded. Success isn't based on how much information you can drill into a student's head. It's based on how much they will retain after leaving your class.